We offer an up time guarantee on gamma camera service contracts featuring substantial discounts appl...
MED ENGINEERING is a proud member of the Molecular Imaging, a product section of the Medical Im...
Standard 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m hours Free E.Cam Detector Coefficient Re-Burns don...
Our gamma camera parts are system integrated and tested prior to being certified as good repl...
Med Engineering's Clinical Applications specialist has been involved with E.Soft now called...
We offer complete nuclear medicine consulting and applications support for our new gamma cammera a...
We currently have stock of Gamma Cameras that are chosen for their � qualit...
Our molecular imaging service engineers are chosen for their experience and skills in both attacking problems and implementing solutions that are Timely and Cost Effective.
These strengths have forged a company that offers Unparalleled Expertise in Gamma Camera Services. Our service contracts are at a lower cost than the OEM and our service outmatches them as well. When you're shopping for a gamma camera service contract, let MED ENGINEERING bring our expertise to you!
End of Quarter Service Contract Special!
With a few weeks left in the year. MED ENGINEERING is offering limited price reductions on all of our nuclear medicine service contracts. Our factory trained engineers specialize in Siemens, GE, Philips and Toshiba systems.
� Digital Design
� Technical Support
� Technical Training
� Service Management
� Application Support
� Mobile Cameras Rentals
� Leasing Programs
� Equipment Rentals
� Toshiba Systems
� GE Systems
� Seimens Systems
� Philips
Cameras shown on our equipment pages may or may not be the current ones for sale. Please call for additional information.